Here are of some of the most influential originators and stylists of the Lindy Hop. Thanks to Rusty Frank of Lindy by the Sea for compiling a great list of Lindy Hop Clips!
Considered the "first" Lindy Hop clip. Enjoy watching Shorty Snowden (he's the third out dancing)... the man credited with giving Lindy Hop it's name.
Whitey's Lindy Hoppers, including Norma Miller. You can even see Herbert "Whitey" White (the group's manager) in the background... he has the shock of white hair) Dorothy Miller (Norma Miller's sister)and Johnny (last name?), Norma Miller and Leon James, Ella Gibson and George Grenidge, Snooky Beasley and Willa Mae Ricker, and Ella Gibson and George Grenidge.
Film shows a group of LA Swing dancers probably promoting a local California swing dance contest in September, 1938.The dancers doing LA Swing (early form of Bal-Swing) are Hal and Betty Takier (man in white top, black pants, does the move that takes them to the ground); Jack Helwig and Genevieve Grazis (couple in all white); Richard "Dick" Landry in the striped top, dancing with the shorter unknown woman; Collegiate Shag couple is Connie Wydell and possibly Barbara Plum.
The Big Apple began as a called circle dance. But in 1939, Frankie Manning choreographed this version, which has become a staple on the swing dance scene around the world. Dancers: Thomas "Tops" Lee and Wilda Crawford, William Downes and Francis "Mickey" Jones, Joyce Daniels and Al Daniels, Norma Miller and George Grenidge, and Frankie Manning and Lucille Middleton.
HELLZAPOPPIN, 1941: Featuring The Harlem Congaroo Dancers (a.k.a. Whitey's Lindy Hoppers): William Downes/Ooveralls & Frances "Mickey" Jones (0:39). Billy Ricker/Chef's Hat & Norma Miller (1:09). Al Minns/White Coat-Black Pants & Willa Mae Ricker (1:29). Frankie Manning/Overalls & Ann Johnson (1:55).
Jewel McGowan and Dean Collins in the Abbott and Costello classic, "Buck Privates".
Kay Kyser and his Orchestra with Marilyn Maxwell performing One Girl and Two Boys, dancers - Jeanne Phelps Veloz, Don Gallagher, Lenny Smith.
This Pete Smith Specialty shows you how to do it! Jimmy Dorsey playing One O'Clock Jump. Dancers - Charles "Chuck/Gossomer" Saggau, Arthur Walsh, Lenny Smith, Kay Smith, Jeanne Phelps Veloz, Irene Thomas.
Featuring a slew of Los Angeles swing dancers, including: Gil & Nikki Brady, Freda Angela Wyckoff, Lenny Smith, and Joe Lanza.
Lindy Hop Scene from Malcolm X, 1991:
A great clip from the film Malcolm X starring Denzel Washington. Look for Frankie Manning in this clip. He was the choreographer and taught Denzel how to Lindy. Also appearing - Ryan Francois and Chazz Young. This dance scene is held at what was to be a re-creation of Roseland Ballroom in New York but Malcolm X danced mostly at Harlem nightspots - the Savoy Ballroom, the birthplace of Lindy, and the Renaissance Ballroom. The civil rights leader, Malcolm X, wrote in his autobiography how much he loved the lindy hop.
SWING FEVER, Camp Hollywood 2017:
93 1/2 year old legendary dancer Jean Veloz performs a routine she first did for a movie called "Swing Fever" in 1943. She had not performed the routine in 74 years. 93 year old Jean is seen with her 19 year old self doing the same dance routine on a big screen behind her with a clip from 1943. Los Angeles dancer and teacher Rusty Frank recreated the "One Girl and Two Boys" routine to be performed for the 20 year anniversary of Camp Hollywood. The other two dancers are Steve Conrad (Army), and Joel Plys (Navy).
90 year old woman walks onto the dance floor...
90 year old Hollywood Swing Dance legend Jean Veloz dancing with Lindy/ Swing dance instructor Steve Conrad of the Arizona LIndy Hop Society at FatCat Ballroom in Phoenix, AZ Music by Solomon Douglas
Behind the scenes on ABC's The Bachlorette with Jojo Fletcher and James Taylor Swing Dance
Here are some behind the scenes filming of The Bachlorette with Jojo Fletcher and James Taylor on his first one on one date swing dancing with us. Swing lesson taught on the show by Rusty Frank and Steve Conrad. Special appearance by Jean Veloz. Live music from Jonathan Stout and his Campus Five featuring Hilary Alexander.